Posted on
07:40 AM
- last edited
Hello everyone,
platform: 10.11.5/6 , iMac, MacBook Pro/Air
We are running into a situation where a jss deployed .dmg from a policy remains mounted on the desktop after completing execution. In this case it is a policy that deploys a file to the users home library followed by : killall cfprefsd, killall Dock; in the Files and Process section of the Jss policy.
I did some digging and found that running:
FinderPID=$(ps axco pid,command | grep Finder | awk '{print $1;}')
kill $FinderPID
does in fact restart the finder but the dmg image does not unmount.
I then tried appending "umount /Volumes/mountedimagename" to the 'Files and Processes' section of the policy in the JSS and saw that it will unmount the dmg, but then the policy fails as AppleDockFixUp reloads the default dock - which it did not do before appending the above mentioned command after killall cprefsd; killall Dock; in 'Files and Processes'.
We're grateful for any suggestions/experience others have had in this area.
Posted on 10-20-2016 09:17 AM
Posted on 10-20-2016 10:16 AM
Test this snippet. It's used in some scripts for auto updating software.
mntpoint=`diskutil list | grep SOFTWARE_TITLE | awk '{print $X}' `
hdiutil detach $mntpoint -force -quiet
SOFTWARE_TITLE = what ever your software name should be. eg VLC or Adobe
$X = which column the "diskxsx" turns out to be for above. Could be 6 or 7, depends on the name length.
You can also just use the second line after you know what the first line is with testing and use with Files and Processes.
Hope that helps.
Posted on 10-21-2016 07:47 AM
Thanks MillersC. I tried it but still no joy.
Posted on 10-21-2016 08:43 AM
Just to be clear, you're talking about a .dmg that you created with Composer that contains your dock...plist and that .dmg is the source for an Install action for a Packages payload in a policy?