Policy errors trying to install in Self Servive

New Contributor

New to Jamf Mac managment. I've got our instance of Jamf up and running smoothly.

What I am stuck at is once I get the policy setup for an app, for example Firefox, I upload the pkg to the distribution file share, create policy in Jamf Pro and make it available to all, then load up SS and try to install the app, the install looks like it goes through but then it just errors out. Am I missing a piece somewhere? If anyone can point me in the right direction would be great.


Contributor II

What do your policy logs tell you?

Valued Contributor II

Need some more information to trouble shoot.

What do the policy logs say for the computer you are attempting to install the policy on?

You can find this information by navigating to your Jamf Pro Dashboard in a browser -> Computers -> Search Inventory -> Computer -> History -> Policy Logs -> Show (Next to the Policy Name you are installing)

It will provide you some information as to what happened if successful & if not. This way you can drill down to the root of the problem

example of a policy that installs a package for google chrome

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New Contributor

I know for sure that the distribution point is mounted cause I can add these pkgs to Jamf Admin.


Contributor II

@typtran1 That's not what the logs say.

New Contributor

Am I looking in the wrong place?

Valued Contributor II

This has happened to us a few times. I literally remap everything

The following is what I have done to resolve.

  • confirm your Share Repo is in the right spot on your JSS Server, also, right click & get info / check sharing permissions

  • Check Read Writes Accounts on your JSS Web interface, Make sure they match the Servers R/W Accounts.

  • Go to JSS Server

  • System Prefs -> Sharing -> File Sharing -> SharedRepoFolder ---- Remove it
  • Go to R/W users and reset the password
  • Add share back to File sharing & add the users again

  • On JSS Web interface (Settings->ServerInfrastructure->File Share Distribution Points)

  • Make sure Server url is correct & set to Master Distribution Point
  • Add the users and new password again
  • Make sure share name is correct, AFP, Port 548 (SMB is blocked by every firewall) -- Double Check Everything

-- Boot server

if all else fails, make a totally new file share distribution point on your JSS Web interface & remap everything on the server & web interface again. (again make sure to set as master distribution point)

IF THAT FAILS - make a jamf support ticket haha

Looking for a Jamf Managed Service Provider? Look no further than Rocketman

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