Portable home and imaged machines

Not applicable

We are preparing for a very large roll out using Casper Suite and it's
imaging options. We are also moving from true network homes in an OD/AD
triangle to portable homes, some with syncing and some without. I had a
machine all working with a test server and settings, then replicated those
settings on another server, but we don't seem to be able to get the PHD
settings working on our test box when adding the computer to either server's
PHD computer lists.

This is all a new process to us, we we're assuming we missed some critical
setting while producing the image. We did tick the box in Directory Utility
AD settings to create the mobile account. Home directories are on a Windows

-- Janice K. Hill
PC Support Manager
Sheboygan Area School District


Honored Contributor

If you log in as a mobile user and manually get a Kerberos ticket, are
you able to map the home directory manually (cmd + K) in the OS and will
it map with out authentication?

The home folders are on a Windows box? Are they connecting via SMB,
NFS, or are you running AFP on your Windows servers?

How did you replicate these settings, are you talking about an Open
Directory Replica server?

Did you import users/groups into open directory from AD?

Not applicable

Are you binding the computer as part of your imaging task using a Directory Binding that was created on the JSS or are you using the binding script from the resource kit?


Adam Shepard
Web Developer / System Administrator
Creighton School District
[Office 602-381-6000] [Cell 602-319-8935]

? Apple Certified Support Professional
? Apple Certified Technical Coordinator
? Apple Certified System Administrator