Possibly OT - Home Sync at logout

Contributor II

Does anyone here manage Home Sync settings with configuration profiles? I can't for the life of me get clients (10.7.4) to obey the setting to SyncBackgroudSetAtLogout when managed by config profiles. If I use a user-lever profile the mobility settings are ignored at login and all folders begin syncing (as opposed to just Desktop and Documents) and if I use a custom home sync payload in a system-level profile everything works except syncing at logout. It just logs out without syncing. As I said before our clients are running 10.7.4 and I just updated our JSS to 8.64 from 8.62. This is a major inconvenience for our Teachers because in some usage scenarios, they need to get second grade students to manually sync before logging out.


Contributor II

Still having this issue. Perhaps someone has an idea for a shell or Applescript that could initiate a sync at the jamf logout trigger?


We'd like a general overview on how to get Homesync working. It's low enough on our radar that we've not been able to dedicate enough time and "google Juice" to figuring out how to implement in Mountain lion.

If we had links to just getting it started, I think we are more likely to ask the same questions and find the answers with you.

Annoyed at the lack of proper documentation on the Subject....