PPPC Error

New Contributor III


First time posting here!  We are trying to roll out Jamf in an enterprise environment and I am seeing some PPPC configuration errors in the Management console for users.  When we initially configured this we only added Sophos strings to the "App Access" portion of PPPC.  Currently we have about 10 Sophos entries including the Identifier, Identifier type, and code requirement.  I have gone through to confirm there are no spaces at the beginning or end of any of the identifiers but my question is, should I have more entries than just Sophos?  The Jamf rep we had paid for some live sessions with sent me a screenshot of some terminal commands that had nothing to do with Sophos so I was wondering if it is typical to only have Sophos for example in these entries, or none at all?  And my main concern, will this cause any downstream issues post-go live.  Right now as it stands from the testing I have done, Sophos installs as expected so not sure where the errors are even coming from.


Any info is helpful!





Contributor III


I am a Jamf School user, not Jamf Pro, so I can't advise on any specifics, but I would recommend posting a screenshot for those that are familiar with the UI to be able to help with any errors they may see. If you aren't using a policy and are instead using terminal commands, that may also be useful to share. It does surprise me that you mentioned the rep is sending instructions for terminal and not a policy, unless I am misunderstanding.

I use PPPC Utility to make configuration profiles instead of creating them through Jamf School. Only have to drag and drop the app, and don't have to mess with identifiers. Then upload them as a custom configuration profile to Jamf School.

As for what we do with PPPC in general, it will depend on the org. We are a K-12 school and do a few of them for different programs, as the majority of our users are not admins. Things like Zoom, Google Drive, and testing software to name a few.

Hope this was somewhat helpful.

New Contributor III

Hello and thank you, 

When I try to upload an image it says "You do not have permission to upload".

Anyway around that?

New Contributor III

Nevermind, it let me on the second try =)

New Contributor III

Nevermind sorry it let me when I refreshed the page.

New Contributor III

have you thought about deploying your Sophos settings through a Jamf Configuration profile instead of using PPPC?

Screen Shot 2022-07-26 at 2.08.30 PM.png


New Contributor III

2022-07-27 09_47_02-Edit macOS Configuration Profile Approved PPPC__.png

 Isnt this a Config profile?