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03:44 PM
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a week ago
What are your procedures for prepping for the next school year? We will be wiping our devices as most of them are cart based but managed with Jamf. As well as removing them from groups for rotation purposes.
My question is the users. Do you purge all of your users and let Jamf and Apple School Manager recreate them based on enrollment from your SIS? Do you only purge users who have left and or are moving onto higher grade levels? you purge them every year? This is a new feature, but I believe that our class schedule will change therefore they will need to be pulled back in.
Any Advice is appreciated
Thank you
Posted on 06-22-2018 10:33 AM
We do not purge our users unless they are no longer at school and the device has been unassigned.
With ASM, I don't know what to do with the 3000 classes.
Posted on 06-22-2018 10:58 AM
We are 1:1 so we don't wipe iPads. In fact, 9-12 graders take them home for the summer.
This is the list of things we do however, only after summer school is over and AFTER our SIS system is rolled over to the new year (early Aug)
We have a few scripts that we run using the API that:
-Remove device associations for JSS users that are no longer in AD
-Delete any JSS users that are no longer in AD
-Update student users in AD with their new grade level and homeroom teacher
-Force JSS to mass update the user info for new grade and homeroom teacher
-Turn off Class sync with ASM
-Wipe the classes in JSS
-Turn back on sync with ASM the 1st week of school
-Add users and devices to any static groups as needed
Posted on 07-13-2018 02:03 PM
Thanks! Our iPads are 1:1 however they are still classroom based. So we have to prep for new students. Throughout the year I try to keep them wiped once students leave.
I appreciate the replies! :) Christina