This morning while migrating a student using a Managed apple id from a
broken ipad to a new iPad I was forced to update the iPad to iOS 15.0.2.
I have noticed a couple of concerning items. Number one that some of the
apps do not have the correct icon...
Hello Everyone, I just have a quick question about Managed Apple Id's
(MAIDs) and a new school year. Our iPad deployment is cart based from
TK-8. So each year students have a different device. We recently started
using MAIDs . I was wondering what ha...
Is there possibly a way to put a remove all button in the classes area.
I am a smaller district and I spend at least 3 or 4 days (not solid 8 hr
days) clearing this out every year. It is very tedious. Sorry this was a
feature request.
Good Morning, I am finding that some of our iPads are saying that they
have webclips installed but the students are not seeing them. I was
wondering if there was a way to allow us to automatically send the
webclips and have them also show up in Self-...
Good Morning, We are trying to think ahead at the possibility of having
to send devices home again. We were wondering about setting time limits,
say no use after 10 pm, and nothing before 6 am? Has anyone used Jamf
for this?
I understand that. We are 1:1 as well. I make arrangements with the
teacher and push the update with Jamf. I have found lately though, that
I either have to touch the iPads myself or have a student do so. So I
can't that it will work by just pushing ...