Posted on 05-09-2011 08:35 AM
Is anyone else attending the PSU conference this week?
Allen Golbig
Posted on 05-09-2011 08:43 AM
I'll be there, Allen. Looking forward to meeting some of my fellow Mac
admins. I'm excited about the sessions on munki and puppet.
Damien Barrett
System Technician
Montclair Kimberley Academy
Montclair, NJ 07042
Posted on 05-09-2011 09:12 AM
I'll be there.
< shameless plug >
Please attend my "Modular OS deployment on the Mac" session:
< /shameless plug >
Posted on 05-09-2011 11:10 AM
I'll be there as well- getting settled into the area now.
Looking forward to an early start tomorrow.
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