Questar secure browser on Mac OS X?

New Contributor III


Anyone have any experience using the Questar Secure Browser on a Mac - 10.12.

This new version installation creates a user/no password - at login the secure browser starts automatically - only the created user is allowed to run the browser.

I am having trouble getting the login to work consistently. For the few times I get the login to work the secure browser seems to start OK.

We are bound to AD but have tested unsuccessfully on unbound machine. While bound - have created an AD user account for the created user. While unbound -have set a password for the local user - this seems to work better but only 1-2X. Rebooting between attempts seems to work better than logout/login but once it fails it seems to stay broken.

Open to any suggestions.


New Contributor III

The user that is created is a managed user. It uses parental controls to give limited access to the finder. I was able get this working on Mac OS 10.12 in an AD environment. My big obstacle was that it restricted almost anything else from running except the Secure Browser which Sophos and something called Adobe Helper did not like. If I had an admin authenticate Sophos and Adobe helper when we got the authentication window it worked, but I needed to replicate that using dscl . -mcxexport/import.

I am able to use the created local user with all the parental controls with the secure browser while still bound to AD.

New Contributor III

Thanks for the response.

I now see about the admin authentication - I was breezing past this so that helped a lot- my issue was with Symantec.

Even after, I still get inconsistent results just logging in - sometimes a list of users - sometimes username/password and I understand what the default username is if I have to enter it. Even then I do not get logged in consistently and once it fails it seems to stay broken through reboots. I can try deleting user or .pkg and reinstalling etc. - sometimes recovers-sometimes not. Setting password for assessment user. Bound/unbound to AD. All over the place and no clear pattern I can train tech staff to follow.

Have a ticket open with tech support but doesn't sound like others have had as much trouble. Any other experience to share?

New Contributor III

I did notice the Assessment User it creates has the User ID of 504, maybe there is some interference if you have an existing user with that ID. In trying to figure this out I learned a lot more about how the Parental Controls works and how to fully wipe those settings if you want to start over with a user in a situation like this. You need to remove the folder that actually contains the parental settings or it will continue to apply any changes you made like authenticating the anti-virus software. The parental settings are contained in a folder in /Library/Managed Preferences/ (I don't have a computer with this installed to complete the location)

I have had a bit of trouble setting the configuration profiles to show the user icons or the login screen. That is next on my list of things to debug. It seems to want to alternate between the screens.

As for calling Questar, what state are you from? I am in NY and I know there are not many districts testing on Macs here. I looked at the contents of their installer and it makes an exception to allow AVGAntivirus to run.

New Contributor III

Thanks JZing - I am from NY too.

One of the things tech support mentioned was manually creating the local Questar user so I am going to try that, with a password and see if I can turn parental controls off.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

We were getting errors that would interrupt the test and it would quit. I allowed the Antivirus to run and now Questar doesn't quit. I wanted to send out these setting to all of our laptops. I cant seem to export the parental control settings.

dscl . -mcxexport /Users/qai_asmnt/ parental_controls.plist

Get invalid path.