question to JAMF regarding the 8.7.x line

Valued Contributor III

Will Jamf be releasing an update to the 8.7.x line to allow basic support for iOS 7 and perhaps AppleTV enrollments? It is our hope that such an update will come as a major upgrade to version 9.x is something that we in schools cannot do until the first major break in the school calendar; HOWEVER, I already seem to have users contacting us an hour later wanting to upgrade to iOS 7 on their managed mobile device. An update on this would be very swell.

Kind regards,


Release Candidate Programs Tester

Legendary Contributor III

I just got an email about 8.72 being released, so you should be getting that soon, if you haven't already. it talks about iOS 7 compatibility.
What I'm not clear about is if it will also be the release for Mavericks compatibility, but if history serves as an example, my guess if JAMF will release an update once the final version of Mavericks is out and they can test against it.

Oh, and version 9 is now at 9.1. :)


I just received an email with about the release of 9.1 and 8.72 from Jamf. Both will support iOS7. If you haven't received anything from them yet you should soon.