Posted on 06-14-2012 03:02 PM
I'm able to pull database and table info from MySQL but not sure how to do a full inventory dump, including applications information. Is there a clif note floating around that we can reference?
I'm a little rusty from my Xinet days, but I was able to pull the database and tables as shown below.
$ mysql -u jamfsoftware -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 11751
Server version: 5.0.92-log Source distribution
Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| jamfsoftware |
| test |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> use information_schema;
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_information_schema |
17 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> use jamfsoftware;
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_jamfsoftware |
| adobe_payloads |
| application_usage_logs |
| applications |
| attachment_assignments |
| attachments |
| autorun_additions |
| autorun_byhost_macs |
| autorun_data |
| autorun_exceptions |
| autorun_script_values |
| autorun_users |
| blacklist |
| buildings |
| casper_suite_application_preferences |
| certificate_authority_issued |
| certificate_authority_settings |
| computer_commands |
| computer_group_memberships |
| computer_groups |
| computer_invitations |
| computer_user_pushtokens |
| computers |
| configuration_memberships |
| configurations |
| custom_reports |
| database_schema_overrides |
| departments |
| directory_bindings |
| dock_items |
| enrollment_process_strings |
| extension_attribute_popup_choices |
| extension_attribute_values |
| extension_attributes |
| file_servers |
| fonts |
| groups |
| hard_drive_partitions |
| hard_drives |
| hardware_reports |
| hidden_files |
| iphone_applications |
| iphone_details |
| iphones |
| issued_certificates |
| jss_cache_sequence |
| jss_cluster_nodes |
| jss_context_updates |
| jss_settings |
| ldap_servers |
| licensed_software |
| licensed_software_definitions |
| licensed_software_usage |
| licensed_software_usage_counts |
| location_history |
| locations |
| log_actions |
| log_errors |
| logs |
| management_framework_preferences |
| mcx_profile_assignments |
| mcx_profile_network_segments |
| mcx_profiles |
| mcx_settings |
| mcx_settings_assignments |
| mobile_app_volume_purchase_codes |
| mobile_device_app_assignments |
| mobile_device_app_deployment_queue |
| mobile_device_app_network_segments |
| mobile_device_apps |
| mobile_device_configuration_profile_assignments |
| mobile_device_configuration_profile_network_segments |
| mobile_device_configuration_profiles |
| mobile_device_enrollment_profile_enrollment_history |
| mobile_device_enrollment_profiles |
| mobile_device_group_memberships |
| mobile_device_groups |
| mobile_device_installed_certificates |
| mobile_device_installed_profiles |
| mobile_device_installed_provisioning_profiles |
| mobile_device_management_commands |
| mobile_device_management_framework_preferences |
| mobile_device_management_invitations |
| netboot_servers |
| network_segments |
| operating_systems |
| os_installer_categories |
| os_installer_items |
| os_x_configuration_profile_assignments |
| os_x_configuration_profile_network_segments |
| os_x_configuration_profile_update_queue |
| os_x_configuration_profiles |
| os_x_installed_configuration_profiles |
| package_contents |
| package_objects |
| package_receipts |
| packages |
| partitions_for_imaging |
| peripheral_type_field_choices |
| peripheral_types |
| peripherals |
| plugins |
| policies |
| policy_accounts |
| policy_assignments |
| policy_directory_bindings |
| policy_dock_items |
| policy_group_memberships |
| policy_history |
| policy_network_segments |
| policy_packages |
| policy_printers |
| policy_scripts |
| pre_stage_computer_names |
| pre_stage_logs |
| pre_stage_mac_addresses |
| pre_stage_network_segments |
| pre_stages |
| printers |
| provisioning_profiles |
| purchasing_information |
| recon_custom_paths |
| recon_fields |
| recon_prefs |
| removable_mac_addresses |
| reports |
| saved_search_criteria |
| saved_search_display_fields |
| saved_searches |
| scheduled_deletions |
| scripts |
| self_healing_trigger_files |
| self_service_plugins |
| serial_number_script_assignments |
| serial_number_scripts |
| smart_computer_group_criteria |
| smart_mobile_device_group_criteria |
| software_licenses |
| software_update_servers |
| ssh_accounts |
| task_assignments |
| tasks |
| unix_executables |
| unixapps |
| usage_logs |
| user_group_roles |
| user_groups |
| user_roles |
| users |
| whitelist |
149 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Solved! Go to Solution.
Posted on 06-14-2012 03:45 PM
There's loads of linking tables in there. There's going to be nothing quick about a dump.
Posted on 06-14-2012 03:45 PM
There's loads of linking tables in there. There's going to be nothing quick about a dump.
Posted on 06-14-2012 06:26 PM
@jarednichols Thanks, that's what I was afraid of. :( I got in touch with our JAMF rep a moment ago. Their Dev team are at WWDC, so not sure they'll be able to assign a special services task to one of them (at a cost of course). Hope to have some news tomorrow, and of course I'll post whatever useful info I can.
OMFG...I just hit 1000 posts...where's my JAMF t-shirt?! LOL