"An exception of class" NilObjectException/IOSException was not handled

New Contributor

Im currently trying to run Casper Imaging from a net boot image but when I choose a configuration and click install, it mounts the CasperShare says preparing for block copy then apparently says cleaning up after block copy after only like 3 seconds (10GB image file) and an error message appears. “An exception of class IOSException was not handled. The application must shut down. Exception Error Number: 103”

Any assistance with this would be appreciated.


Valued Contributor II

@FDA double check your Casper Imaging is matching up to what you are running on your JSS or copy over a fresh version of the application to the NBI.

New Contributor

Thanks for the response, both the JSS and Casper Imaging versions are 9.3

Contributor III

I've seen similar behavior when diskless NetBoot wasn't working correctly. Not sure about exact error code.

Contributor III

To echo CGundersen, this seems to be related to the diskless NetBoot service. The handful of times I've ever seen this error I've toggled the NetBoot service in the Server app, and then things are fine afterwards. I unfortunately don't know the exact cause, but bouncing the service helps.

New Contributor

Since 9.3 I have also seen this, in our enterprise Netboot is not supported so we use USB boot drives, I get the failure when CI is trying to configure the items set to install on reboot. If I remove these actions CI does not crash. I do need to get this figured as there are thing we need to do that need to install or configure on reboot.

New Contributor

Modifying rc.netboot fixed the issue

Release Candidate Programs Tester

FWIW, I'm not seeing this.. Nor have I modified the rc.netboot.. Just used the 32MB kernel cache script.

Valued Contributor III

give this a try


New Contributor

I do not know if this is what did it, but I am no longer receiving this error message after upgrading to 9.81

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@carmand did you update Casper Imaging to 9.81 too?