"Unable to load settings file" when running JSSDatabase Util

New Contributor III

When I try to run the JSSDatabase Util, including via command line, I get the error "Unable to load settings file". Our JSS (9.65) is running on Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise VM with 8GB RAM and there is 36Gb still free on the hard drive. Any help or guidance is appreciated.


Honored Contributor II

We've had issues like this in the past. Have you tried running the app as an administrator? If you open a command prompt as administrator you can use:

java -jar c:Program FIlesJSSinJSSDatabaseUtility.jar

(might need to check the exact path, I'm going from memory :)

Also check the database utility settings file permissions (in the same folder as the app).

New Contributor III

Well, shucks. Good memory on that path, but it didn't work. Permissions are correct, too.

Honored Contributor II

Oh dear, thats not good. Does the settings file look correct if you open it manually?

Not a solution but here is a link to a JAMF article to get the database backed up manually so at least you're covered from that perspective https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/article.html?id=175

New Contributor III

I ran into this problem as well. Not sure how or why it happened, but I was able to just delete the JSSDBUtilityConfig XML file and put the settings in again. After that I was good.