Random Log Offs or Restarts

New Contributor III

I have a few Macs that will perform a log off or restart after being locked or asleep for a period of time. I haven't been able to catch it as it happens. There's no set time, except when the Mac goes to sleep or is in a locked state. If a user has an application running that is stopping the restart, there's a message that appears about the program stopping the Mac from restarting or logging off. They can cancel it and proceed with their work, but some cases it'll go through the process.

I've check all my policies and configurations and can't find anything that would initiate a log off or restart, except system updates and OS upgrades. I have about 80 managed Macs and so far 3 Macs have been reported. One of them is mine that I work on. For my Mac, I'm not on 100% of the time unlike the others. I usually use my Mac for testing and Casper related work.

Has anyone else seen this before?


Contributor III

@jpilege Check "Login Window" payload -> Options for the "log out users after x minutes activity"

When we upgraded from 9.73 -> 9.81 we were having issues with this. Ended up having to delete the profiles with login window payloads and recreate to get rid of the auto log out behavior.

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Honored Contributor II

It really sounds like the "logout after x minutes of inactivity", or the energy saver scheduled restart feature. These have both been around for a while and I remember it not clearing the setting when the managed preference or config profile was removed. The setting not being in the JSS, doesn't mean it wasn't set somewhere and subsequently removed.

New Contributor III

Hmm, I'm not able to find anything on the "logout after x minutes of inactivity". I checked on my computer and my profiles in the JSS and don't have the settings set for the computer to sleep. I attached my settings for the Energy Saver profile which is the same for each option. The schedule isn't set up to do anything.

Do you have suggestions on where to look for any other setting that may be related to this?


Contributor III

@jpilege Check "Login Window" payload -> Options for the "log out users after x minutes activity"

When we upgraded from 9.73 -> 9.81 we were having issues with this. Ended up having to delete the profiles with login window payloads and recreate to get rid of the auto log out behavior.

New Contributor III

Thanks @merps!

I found the setting under my profile and it was checked and set to every 30 minutes. I must have just read over it. :/ I remember not having this checked, but I'm wondering if the setting changed from the JSS updates over time. It looks to be a default value when I go to created a new profile. I won't know how things go until another 30 minutes go by, but I believe this was the fix.

New Contributor III

Experiencing this now with a few of our users. They are noticing because their web browsers or other apps require confirmation before exiting, which halts the logoff/shutdown process.

Not seeing any restart in jamf logs though.

Anyone else see this issue recently ?


@dorellano Had it happen to a few of our users during a conference call this afternoon. I initially thought it was automatic updates, but it looks like that wasn't the issue.

New Contributor III

@landon_Starr After talking with Jamf support and reviewing this article we may have found what was causing the issue.
We have a configuration policy with a Login Window payload. In that policy under options there was a check box "Log users out after:"

It was checked and set to 30 minutes idle. We've unchecked the box and pushed the new policy to see if this resolves the issue. I'll report back once i know for sure if this has resolved it. Worth taking a look at.