Recon DRAGGING during application collection on 10.8.3

New Contributor

Hello all,

I am currently running the new 8.7 Recon with an 8.7 JSS and my recon is dragging when collecting applications. It hangs up at every turn. I ran it both with the GUI and in terminal in verbose mode and this appears to be consistent. It is not native to one particular application but all of them. Any thoughts?


Legendary Contributor III

Do you happen to have the "Include sizes, copyright information, modification dates, etc" option checked on under Inventory Collection Preferences? That will increase collection time so it might be worth checking if that's enabled and if so, try it with the option off.

It sounds like its something else that's going on though. Any Adobe applications on these Macs? 8.7 shouldn't have the issue but older versions often had a problem with certain Adobe apps, such as Adobe Speedgrade, where it could get hung up almost indefinitely on a symlink inside the app bundle.

Also, does it ever finish recon but just takes forever, or are you seeing not complete at all?

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Legendary Contributor III

Do you happen to have the "Include sizes, copyright information, modification dates, etc" option checked on under Inventory Collection Preferences? That will increase collection time so it might be worth checking if that's enabled and if so, try it with the option off.

It sounds like its something else that's going on though. Any Adobe applications on these Macs? 8.7 shouldn't have the issue but older versions often had a problem with certain Adobe apps, such as Adobe Speedgrade, where it could get hung up almost indefinitely on a symlink inside the app bundle.

Also, does it ever finish recon but just takes forever, or are you seeing not complete at all?

New Contributor

Thanks for the reply mm2270 as of now I have not been patient enough to let it finish....but i'm trying lol. There is nothing Adobe-wise other than flash and reader. I did just turn off that option and it seemed to fly through so thanks but I still don't understand why it would take THAT long.

Legendary Contributor III

It doesn't really make sense that that one option would make i crawl as badly as you're describing, so I can't really explain that. I would open a case with JAMF support on it. Possibly some issue with Recon 8.7. They'd probably ask for some logs or other data so they can try to figure out what's holding it up so badly.

New Contributor

Do you have SpeedGrade CS6 installed? if so make sure you're deleting an errant alias that causes recon or manage to hang

rm -rf /Applications/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6/Adobe SpeedGrade SpeedGrade

Also was told by jamf that recon is deprecated and you should use enroll or manage for updates

Legendary Contributor III

Recon is only deprecated when enrolling Macs for the first time. After that, 'jamf recon' collects updated inventory. You wouldn't want to keep running an enroll command on Macs already in your inventory.