Recon Network Scanner


What's up everyone! We have a question about Recon. The scanning part. We get Macs from time to time that don't report in for whatever reason. We were wondering if theres a way to update/re-recon these problem-child workstations via the Console instead of the actual Recon app. All of what we already have listed in Computers > Search. Reason we ask, we have a mix of Macs and PCs on each of our VLANS causing headaches when scanning. Recon hangs when scanning more than 50 IPs at at time. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Contributor III

New Contributor III

I'm currently unable to add anything via Recon app (have open case on that). I was informed that there is an issue with this version but to back to your question.
You can create multiple searches with the IP ranges, respectively. So, the IP maxing out shouldn't be an issue anymore.
In addition, you can tweak your settings to exclude Windows devices from the management.


@barnesaw Thanks! Looks good we'll check it out!

@totalyscrewedup Where exactly is this this so we can set this up? We're still a little new to everything Casper. Thanks!