Recovery HD - Not in the 'Option' boot list after encrypting

New Contributor

I'm using Casper (8.6) to deploy an encryption configuration for FileVault to a Mountain Lion image (vanilla). Before encrypting I have a fully functional recovery partition. After I apply the encryption configuration to the machine and reboot I no longer see the recovery partition when I hold down the 'Option' key for a list of boot-able devices. If I try to boot directly to the recovery partition using Command-R it instead boots into Internet Recovery (at which point I can successfully unlock and decrypt the drive using terminal commands and the encryption key from the JSS). After decrypting completely the original recovery partition reappears as a boot-able option. I'm using a standard encryption configuration of institutional and private key set to current or next user launching. Has anyone ever seen this behavior before?


Valued Contributor II

well it makes sense does it not?
the whole disk is encrypted, the only boot method that is going to work is command r besides a normal boot.
same thing happens with PGP whole disk encryption.

Valued Contributor

yeah, that's normal and called out in apple's documentation somewhere- you just hold down command-r to boot the recovery HD even though it won't appear in the boot manager.

New Contributor

Interesting. When I hold down Command-R though it goes to Internet Recovery, not my Recovery HD. The Recovery HD was created when I did this fresh Mountain Lion install from USB to an empty drive. I'm not overly concerned I guess since the Internet Recovery does indeed work for the purpose of unlock/decrypt.

Valued Contributor III

I am seeing the same thing, I was not worried either...