Posted on 03-09-2015 10:54 PM
I normally use AutoDMG when creating a base OS for Casper Imaging. However, I've imaged almost 20 units and I can't see Recovery partition. Is there anything I've missed during the process?
Posted on 03-10-2015 03:36 AM
It should be automatic. It isn't visible normally, how are you checking for it?
Posted on 03-10-2015 09:51 PM
The recovery partition is hidden by default.
You can view hidden partitions in disk utility by enabling the debug menu doing the following :
Quit Disk Utility, open Terminal and type the following:
defaults write DUDebugMenuEnabled 1
Open Disk Utility, the debug menu should be in the menubar. Select it and scrol down to Show every partition. You should see the recovery partition if it exists.