Remote Login and Remote Management

Not applicable

Is there a way to prevent all users including admins fron turning off
remote login and remote management?

Jason Kong

Apple Support Specialist
Queens College DH-154
Office of Converging Technologies
Jason.Kong at


Not applicable

Anyone have a suggestion?

Jason Kong

Apple Support Specialist
Queens College DH-154
Office of Converging Technologies
Jason.Kong at

Not applicable

I have nothing to contribute, but I have been on the edge of my seat to see if anyone came up with anything….

Nick Caro Senior Desktop Support Administrator

Honored Contributor

MCX record of 'always' managing that remote log in and remote
management always be on?

Not applicable

Just disable access to the Sharing prefPane. Also, make sure the users are not admins.

Honored Contributor

+1 to the disabling the sharing pref pane. I do that by default
because of users changing their computer names and messing up my
standardized naming convention.

Contributor III

Outside of Locking the Preference Pane and making user's non-admins (the
best way to fix this)...

Have a script running on your "every5" that checks to see if the services
are running... if not, start. If you are using ARD vs. Casper's VNC... do:

ps -ax | grep ARDAgen[t]

If you get no reply, then use the kickstart command.

Also, in your JSS there is an option to "Ensure SSH is enabled".

- Justin


You can stop Standard users from changing these settings but not admins.
On 5/18/11 11:50 AM, "Jason.Kong at" <Jason.Kong at> wrote:

You can put in all sorts of doo-dads and tricks to hide or reset things,
but if he's savvy *and* an admin then he can elevate himself to root and
circumvent whatever you throw at him.

Issues like this are better addressed by working to change the policy that
allows users to be admins in the first place.


William Smith
Technical Analyst
Merrill Communications LLC
(651) 632-1492