Posted on 08-30-2012 09:24 AM
Hello, I've got the need to remove MCX management from a select group of 10.8 Macs. We have 39 or so MCX preferences scoped to both 10.7 and 10.8 Macs in our production environment.
These Macs will be added to a dev environment, but can't be re-imaged. The JSS in this dev environment does not have any MCX preferences set up.
Is there a way (through terminal preferable) to un-manage MCX on these Macs?
any advise would be appreciated.
Thank you!
Posted on 08-30-2012 09:35 AM
remove them from the scope assigning the mcx in the first place, then try something like a:
dscl . -mcxdelete /computers/localhost
and see if that does the trick.
Posted on 08-31-2012 02:28 AM
See a post i started recently with a similar issue. The response was effective in removing the MCX from the machines.
Posted on 08-31-2012 02:45 PM
Thank you for the responses. I've successfully removed computer level management using the commands you provided. However after login with existing users, /Library/Managed Preferences/[username] is re-generated. As a troubleshooting step I removed caper from a test system and the issue of /Library/Managed Preferences/[username] coming back after a login persist. Is there any way to prevent this from coming back?
Thank you!
The script I threw together is:
declare -x logFile="/Library/Logs/removeMCX.log"
# sends all standard output and standard error to log file.
exec >> $logFile
exec 2>&1
echo "Remove Computer Management"
echo "sudo dscl . -mcxdelete /computers/localhost"
sudo dscl . -mcxdelete /computers/localhost
echo "rm -rf /Library/Managed Preferences"
rm -rf /Library/Managed Preferences
echo "Remove Management for Casper"
sudo dscl . -delete /Users/casper dsAttrTypeStandard:MCXSettings
echo "sudo dscl . -delete /Users/casper dsAttrTypeStandard:MCXSettings"
echo "Remove Management for NXFIX"
echo "sudo dscl . -delete /Users/nxfix dsAttrTypeStandard:MCXSettings"
sudo dscl . -delete /Users/nxfix dsAttrTypeStandard:MCXSettings
echo "Remove Management for each user"
for i in /Users/*
u=`echo $i | cut -d/ -f3`
case $u in
echo "sudo dscl . -delete /Users/"$u" dsAttrTypeStandard:MCXSettings"
sudo dscl . -delete /Users/"$u" dsAttrTypeStandard:MCXSettings
echo "sudo dscl . -delete /Users/"$u" MCXSettings"
sudo dscl . -delete /Users/"$u" MCXSettings
echo "sudo dscl . -delete /Users/"$u" MCXFlags"
sudo dscl . -delete /Users/"$u" MCXFlags
echo "sudo dscl . -delete /Users/"$u" cached_groups"
sudo dscl . -delete /Users/"$u" cached_groups
echo "rm /Users/"$u"/Library/Preferences/"
rm /Users/"$u"/Library/Preferences/
echo "sudo dscl . -mcxdelete /Users/"$u""
sudo dscl . -mcxdelete /Users/"$u"
exit 0