Posted on 03-22-2011 12:06 AM
Remove these two items & restart and it worked for me:
lauren nicholas
User Support & Technology Analyst - Hurd Campus
Center for Information Technology
Moravian College
610 861 1633
lpnicholas at
Posted on 03-22-2011 12:09 AM
remove item from dock via a policy set to login once a day (just in case) is working fine thus far here.
Posted on 03-22-2011 12:10 AM
yeesh no caffeine syndrome is catchy today. must remember to READ the damnable post.
Posted on 03-22-2011 12:12 AM
Take it one step further…
Remove the entry for the AppStore or like I did, just remove the whole file.
Nick Caro Senior Desktop Support Administrator
Posted on 03-22-2011 12:21 AM
Now that I read what you wrote...
thanks for noticing that. I didn't see it. I am hating how Apple is sleazing the app-store into things :-)
I am an MCX guy so thats where I looked first. I found that adding the two plists you mention to my MCX and setting all true booleans to false I got the option to disappear. I would say a quick setup in managed prefs via Casper would work as well.
Posted on 03-22-2011 12:22 AM
Cool. Good idea. I have it also on the Restricted Software list. But yeah, that wouldn't get rid of the dock if someone downloaded it. Good call. Thanks!
lauren nicholas
User Support & Technology Analyst - Hurd Campus
Center for Information Technology
Moravian College
610 861 1633
lpnicholas at

Posted on 03-22-2011 12:27 AM
Thanks guys.
I've got a policy to modify the dockfixup and remove the appstore from the applicatinos folder but always wondered about that pesky "Mac OS X Software" in the menu.
Posted on 03-22-2011 12:34 AM
There is a great article in the Feb. issue of MacTech magazine, titled: "Mac App Store and the Enterprise: What the new Mac App Store means for the enterprise" by Greg Neagle of (page 58). Here is a snippet:
"It's also possible to remove the App Store... item from the Apple menu, but I don't recommend the method: it turns out that if you delete the App Store application from the /Applications directory, upon restart, the App Store... item will disappear from the Apple menu. I don't recommend this, even if preventing all access to the App Store application is your goal, because you'll need to revisit this after every subsequent update to the Mac OS - a future update could easily return the App Store application to the /Applications menu (and a 10.6.6 or later combo update definitely would). A better way (and the only Apple-supported way) to limit access to any application, including the new App Store application, is to use MCX or Managed Preferences controls."
The rest of the article is a great read.

Posted on 03-22-2011 12:35 AM
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that. I removed the "app store" entry, which is placed before safari and facetime.
Need. More. Coffee, also.:)
lauren nicholas
User Support & Technology Analyst - Hurd Campus
Center for Information Technology
Moravian College
610 861 1633
lpnicholas at

Posted on 03-25-2011 03:46 PM
Eric, could you verify that using MCX to manage these two lists removes the App Store entry from the Apple Menu?
I'm an MCX guy as well, but the 2 plists mentioned are actually launchd configuration files, not preferences that can be managed (to my knowledge)... I just tried to make sure, as it would be very interesting if you *could* manage launchd via MCX... alas, it didn't work for me...
Perhaps because I'm doing this at the Workgroup level, which is what we use here... Maybe at the computer level it works? Although I'm not sure even how that would work, as I don't think MCX enforces things outside of Preference folders...
Posted on 03-28-2011 04:57 AM
it is indeed still working.
the files in question are plists. they are located at: /System/Library/LaunchAgents. I imported the 2 plists to WGM and changed all the true statements to false.
I manage at the computer level. This particular setting has been added to a nested group containing 35 other groups.
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--Kurt Vonnegut
Eric Young
eyoung at
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