Restrict all apps except Adobe?


I have a workstation that is only supposed to be used for Adobe Premiere (primarily for reviewing footage and making quick initial edits).

In order to discourage users from setting up camp at this station and loading up their email or other things, I'm looking at creating a Configuration Profile to allow only Premiere and a couple of other things to run... but in the Restrictions tab under Allow Apps, the dropdown menu only shows Apple apps. Is there a way to add 3rd-party apps to the profile?

Or, if there's a better way to get the end result I'm after, I'd love to get some ideas.


Honored Contributor II

You can use the configuration profile restriction "Restrict which apps are allowed to launch" and add Adobe Premiere.

You might need to add a few other system apps to ensure things run ok.


Right, how do I add Adobe Premiere? I don't see it in the list.

Honored Contributor II

Hmm, good point. I suspect its something you need to add / configure inside the tomcat web folder. That used to be the case for custom system preference restrictions anyway.

If Premiere is in a sub-folder, it might be easier to specify the allowed folder which lets you type in the path.

New Contributor III

I have just recently asked for this feature request to allow 3rd party applications to be whitelisted.

Currently if you try to alter the OSXRestrictions.xml file for 3rd party apps, the JSS won't recognize it.

As @davidacland suggested, you could perhaps allow the Adobe Premiere folder to the allowed folders list in the Restrictions payload of the configuration profile.