Restrict Hot Spot on iOS?

New Contributor

I'm trying to come up with a way to restrict folks from having the ability to enable hot spots on their devices. We're going to be enabling the feature on our entire fleet of iOS devices, but we'd like to be able to turn the feature on/off as necessary. For instance, even though you're approved to have it we don't want you utilizing it until you've been educated on proper usage. Or you're approved to have it, but only when you're on call. Things like that.

I've come across two threads on the apple support communities.

  • One person claiming they've found a way to "hack" it :
  • Another trying to find out why the feature to block it is mentioned in some places but not others :

Has anyone else tried this or been able to successfully restrict the feature?


New Contributor

In a word, no. What I've noticed, though, is that if you set your IOS Config Profile to configure a WIFI payload, it will "prefer" that hotspot, and always go to it. The others are still available, though.

New Contributor

Or are you talking about turning OFF their phone hotspot feature? Don't think you can do that!