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03:17 PM
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a week ago
I have recently integrated GSX into our JSS 9.97 production environment so I may pull warranty information en masse. When starting the process by selecting the action "Look up Purchasing Information from GSX", it starts on Look Up Info for 20 seconds then completes with the error "RPR.COM.015: Coverage could not be checked due to a technical issue. If the issue persists, please report this to Apple via" and never finishes the sentence after via.
I have tried this process a handful of times now and can't get pass this error. Would anyone else be experiencing the same error? Is there a database where I can lookup the RPR.COM.015 error?
Thanks much!
Posted on 07-27-2017 05:26 AM
I'm having this too. I saw a couple others in the slack channel were having this issue as well. I reached out to Jamf who looked at debug logs and recommended I contact apple. I contacted our AppleCare Enterprise team, they recommended contacting support through GSX (click the ?).
DIdn't get farther than that since I didn't really want/have time to open a chat with them. Maybe today.
Posted on 07-27-2017 09:24 AM
I have the same issue. I found less than 30 devices will pull the information so I created a workaround until a resolution is found, but is not the best method. I created a smart group that populates devices with no warranty information, then created an advanced search criteria and filter based on membership to the no warranty smart group. Then it was time to be creative, I added enrolled less than x days and started with 1, then 2, then 3, etc. If I ran in to greater that 30 on a given day I had to add in an additional criteria IP Address like xx.xx.xx.x. It is time consuming but I am able to get my devices updated.
Posted on 07-31-2017 09:52 AM
Thanks for sharing your workaround mradmas. I went ahead and tried it but no luck. All of my devices are coming up as having no warranty information. Maybe this is because they weren't purchased through VPP. I will go ahead and contact Apple and see what they say.
Posted on 08-01-2017 10:20 AM
I'm seeing the same error but if I lookup a single machine on its own it seems to work. I tested with my desktop computer which is a Mac Pro 2013. I've sent a message off to Apple and will report back what they have to say. I'm using Casper 9.98.
Posted on 08-01-2017 10:22 AM
I think there's now a jamf PI for this.
Posted on 08-01-2017 10:57 AM
Anybody with a solution?
Posted on 08-07-2017 11:41 AM
It works now without the error! It looks like I needed to wait a few days for it to work. I did speak with an Apple rep through GSX chat and they said if it happens again then to open a case with them. I hope it works for everyone else!
Posted on 08-07-2017 12:02 PM
also works for me today.