Posted on 03-31-2014 11:05 AM
I am trying to get some clarity to what I need to do...
I have a teacher with a computer lab that he uses ARD multiple times a day. As we all know ARD isn't perfect, but with the kickstart command we have discovered that we are able to successfully restart and usually resolve the issues with remote desktop on those computer. (IE. computers show as offline even though they are on and then will show up shortly after the restart).
I am trying to scope out a policy where we create a script and allow him to restart the remote agent for his classroom via self-service, but it needs to be on-going and never allow it go go away.
I need some clarity regarding, wether or not this is the best course of action for us to take, and if this is what it is used for.
Thank for the help.
Posted on 03-31-2014 02:28 PM
YES - We have to do this too from time to time - fortunately not too often..
But rather more frequently, then I would like.
Our Labs currently run OS X 10.8.5
On the occasion when kickstart is required, there are three reasonably equivalent methods that can be used.
1: Run Script through ARD, but then have to 'Abort' command after a reasonable delay -- because connection is lost.
2: Use SSH, and run a local script, that already in place for this task.
3: Use SSH, and just paste in the following script. (note you need to replace: YourAdminAccountName, with the one that you actually use to manage the machines
The following ARD kickstart command should be all on one line:
sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -activate -configure -access -on -users YourAdminAccountName -privs -all -restart -agent -menu
There are other, similar, but subtly different versions of that script.
But in general that's what I usually use.
Differences for example, if you want for instance to enable two different accounts for ARD, and not just one.
-- Regards
Posted on 03-31-2014 02:34 PM
So for @Sean_Ginn, I'd suggest running a variation of @PeterClarke's command via Self Service.
Then the teacher can run the command AD-hoc
Posted on 03-31-2014 02:45 PM
YES - That should work too…
The difference there is that the End-User, can run the command..
Where as I was thinking about the system admin running it remotely..
But both trigger sources are equally valid..
Posted on 03-31-2014 06:22 PM
Maybe update Apple Remote Desktop Admin to 3.7.2 and then reach out to the network group to see if they're killing ARD related traffic?
Posted on 04-01-2014 06:11 AM
Maybe update Apple Remote Desktop Admin to 3.7.2
@donmontalvo Took care of this the moment it launched hah. It's been a better experience, but some machines still show up as offline even though you can still take control and observe.
That's why I was thinking about running the kickstart command as a shell script from the JSS, which could SSH into those machines run as admin, and it wouldn't be concerned whether or not ARD shows the machines are offline. I am a very capable ACMT, and a neophyte script writer.
But here is what I have so far... Let me know what you think?
sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -restart -agent
Posted on 04-01-2014 06:27 AM
In most shops we add an alias to the kickstart command to make it easier to find (since they frown upon editing /etc/paths or /etc/paths.d/ stuff). Moot if you're setting up a Self Service policy, but FWIW...
sudo ln -s /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ /usr/local/bin/kickstart
Just curious, did you check with the network team to see if they're flagging and shutting down ARD traffic?
Posted on 04-01-2014 08:23 AM
Hi Sean_Ginn
Should work as long as it's ALREADY configured in Sharing Setup.
- if not it won't work..
(Whereas a more complete command would also switch it on if it was switched off)
Best option is to TEST - and see what actually happens.
-- Then you know what works and what does not...
I've aimed for maximum reliability, under all different combinations of issues.
- which is why my suggested command contained what are sometimes redundant elements
- the issue being that they are not always redundant !