Posted on
07:38 AM
- last edited
We're setting up an iPad to act as a check in kiosk. I've already restricted to a single app, turned off the buttons, etc and it works beautifully. The last request from the higher ups is to find a way to either dim or sleep the display outside of business hours to prevent burn-in/backlight failure.
From what I've seen this doesn't appear to be possible yet. Has anyone come across a way to programmatically sleep/wake an iOS device via MDM or other means?
Posted on 06-22-2018 08:33 AM
You could use the API to send it a lock command (this effectively sleeps it) as a script on a scheduler like cron.
This should work, just replace id with the device ID you want to hit:
import requests
import json
usr = 'apirobotorwhoever'
pwd = 'yourpassword'
jss = ''
id = '5133'
r = + '/JSSResource/mobiledevicecommands/command/DeviceLock/Lock+Message/id/' + id, auth=(usr, pwd))
print r.text
Then just hit the home button to wake it when you want to use it.
Posted on 10-16-2019 04:17 PM
I'm also interested in this but I don't see any option to push an API command on a schedule. Any advice?