Script - Send email on USB connect


So we're in a situation where we need to setup a headless mac mini in a hospital environment that triggers an email to myself whenever a device is connected via USB so that I can remotely restore a backup to the iOS devices via configurator...does anyone know what such a script would look like? I have no clue where to even start.


Contributor III

I'm thinking that if you create a LaunchDaemon to listen to the /Volumes/ folder, then run a script to perform: [code]diskutil info UNTITLED/ | awk '/Protocol: / {print $2}'[/code] If the result is "USB", then send an email. Should be plenty of bash/python examples to send emails... and Lingon can help with the "Listen" part for /Volumes/

- Justin


The problem with that is that iOS devices don't show up in Volumes. Im not sure where they would show up as connected devices.

Valued Contributor

usbmuxd handles iOS communication directly, it never actually mounts as a connected device.

Honored Contributor II

Not sure if there is a possible trigger for it, but (assuming it's an iPad) you can use:

system_profiler SPUSBDataType | grep -c iPad

The number returned would be the number of iPads connected to the USB bus.

If there isn't a reliable monitoring method you could have the script run on a regular schedule (something like every 15 minutes).

Regarding the email part, you could use sendMail, details on this are available here:

Alternatively you could see if you could leverage a smart group with Casper's built-in email notification system. You might need to write the value using the API though.