Posted on 11-19-2010 01:33 PM
I posted this to our internal Tech wiki. I made some slight revisions and
posted for scripting lessons. I look at EVERY post on here that has anything
to do with scripting/CLI looking for new tips or tricks and so I am sharing.
For various reasons I needed to throw around several hundred folders that
were loosely grouped into 6 folders. To make things simpler I wanted to
arrange them into 26, one for each letter.
Moving them from:
so the first thing I did was:
$ mkdir {A..Z}
#NOTE I discovered that my shell of choice (zsh) will expand numbers like
bash {1..9} but not letters - this may be a setting I have tweaked or a
difference in bash compatibility
but then how to move everything quickly and easily? I came up with the
following. The way it is written currently it must be executed from the
directory that contains the lettered directories but this can easily be
for letter in {A..Z}; do
find . -iname "$letter*" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} mv {} $letter/
exit 0
Ryan M. Manly
Glenbrook High Schools
Posted on 11-19-2010 05:03 PM
... -type d ...
For directories ;)