Script to move App's to users ~/Applications/ directory

Contributor II

Hello Everyone,


We are looking to get some app's moved out of the root Applications directory over to the users ~/Applications/ directory. The majority of our users are non-admin's and we'd like to have them have the ability to update some applications without needing administrator credentials. We do utilize JAMF's current patch management method through Self Service but some apps, such as Slack, have an auto-updater that runs and continuously prompts our users for admin credentials to update. 


Is anyone aware of a script that we can use silently which can move applications to a user's ~/Application/ directory? Would be helpful too if parameters could be setup so that we could utilize the script in multiple policies (App Name, etc).


Thank you so much!


Esteemed Contributor II

@MPL I can't offer a script to handle app relocation, but I do want to ask have you verified all of the apps you're planning to move do in fact update themselves if placed in ~/Applications/ ? From my experience not all applications will automatically update themselves outside of /Applications. I recently had to remove copies of Google Chrome in ~/Applications/ from several machines due to them not updating.

Contributor II

I have not verified that but thank you for mentioning it. We'll definitely take a look to see if the auto-updater still works with Slack and Firefox (I think FF updates automatically) with them being housed in there to see if it works.