Search criteria "Packages Installed by Casper" not working as expected - why not?

New Contributor III

I made a Package (named Receipt March2023.dmg) and made a Policy (named Receipt March 2023) that installs it.  I scoped it to one computer and the Policy successfully ran and the Package was installed.  I want to save an Advanced Search in Jamf Pro that will, among other criteria, search for computers that have installed this package.  I see that there is a Search criteria named Packages Installed by Casper.  If I choose that criteria and enter Receipt March2023.dmg for the Value, the search doesn't find any computers.  If I click the three dots to see the options for the criteria, Receipt March2023.dmg isn't in the list of Packages.  Why not?


Legendary Contributor III

The criteria you're referencing is also reliant on a successful jamf recon completing after the installation at some point, before the Mac will show up as having that package installed on it, or even that package receipt being available as an item to choose from. Is it possible that inventory collection just hasn't happened yet on it?

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Honored Contributor III

I would imagine the function you are using is relying on a receipt. Check /Library/Application\ Support/JAMF/Receipts and see if your package is leaving a receipt. 


I don't like to make my workflows dependent on JAMF. I will add a "flag" file to the package, just some text file I stick somewhere. That text file can be a log file with data if you want to get crafty. This way any tool with the ability to read macOS files can report on this flag file with little to no guess work. With JAMF you can make an Extension Attribute to look for that file, and make a smart group off the existence of that file.

Legendary Contributor III

The criteria you're referencing is also reliant on a successful jamf recon completing after the installation at some point, before the Mac will show up as having that package installed on it, or even that package receipt being available as an item to choose from. Is it possible that inventory collection just hasn't happened yet on it?

New Contributor III

Thanks, @AJPinto  - I'll check that out.

Thanks, @mm2270 .  Now, a day later, it appears, so I'm guessing you were right.  Nice job!  :-)