Searching for all installed Adobe products

New Contributor III

I need to create a search that returns all installed Adobe products and their versions, to export to a .csv. JSS is 9.2.1.

I've had a play with the inventory and licensing searches, but there doesn't seem to be an easy way to do this other than specifying every individual version - we're running everything from CS3 to CS7 so that's impractical at best. The templates aren't much use in this respect.

Any ideas? Thanks.


Valued Contributor

You shouldn't need to specify each version, but you'll need to specify each application title. So "Application Title LIKE Dreamweaver" should pull up all the versions of Dreamweaver regardless of the CS version.

Valued Contributor II

The directory /Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0 lists all installed Adobe CC applications (not Acrobat or Flash). The version numbers can come from either that directory (if an update was applied to the app, it was recorded), or pull from Info.plist.

I have an extension attribute I wrote which scans that directory, downloads Adobe updater.xml file from Adobe's update site, compares versions and returns if an update is available or not. Let me know if you want a copy of it.

Honored Contributor

You'll can do what @McAwesome said. If you just put in something like "adobe", then you'll hate life. Find the names of the apps and put them into the search criteria.
When you export, choose "Applications" and you'll get a spreadsheet that sorts by app, and then by versions.


New Contributor III

Great stuff, thanks guys.

New Contributor III

@thoule That sounds promising - does it only work with CC or will it scan for earlier versions?

@scottb I've done that - as with your screen grab there's lots of gaps, does that mean that the programmes are installed but the version isn't attainable, or something else?

Valued Contributor

Create your own EA and format it the way you want it.


echo "Slow version"
echo "------------"
find /Applications -name "Adobe*.app" | awk -F '.app' '{print $1}' | uniq | while read line
        app_version=`defaults read "${line}".app/Contents/Info.plist CFBundleShortVersionString`
        echo "${line##*/}, $app_version"
echo ""

echo "Fast version"
echo "------------"
find /Applications/ -maxdepth 2 -name "Adobe*.app" | while read line
        app_version=`defaults read "${line}"/Contents/Info.plist CFBundleVersion`
        echo "${line##*/}, $app_version"
echo ""

exit 0

Contributor III

@Disco1 i have a feature request for exporting all "Search Inventory" results to csv, pdf etc.

As it is easy to find all versions of installed apps from say Adobe or Microsoft, just no way to export the result.