Self Service Error

New Contributor II

Some, not all, of my users are getting this. I fixed it on one, but I had to delete, and re-enroll them. external image link

Any ideas? Thanks


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Might be a JAMF support question unless there is anything helpful in the logs?

I'm thinking that it is a broken app bundle on the clients, if you un-enroll it will remove the app and when you re-enroll it will deploy a fresh copy from the JSS. You could try grabbing the zipped copy on the server and deploying it manually to a client.

Honored Contributor

Yes, try what @davidacland posted. When we upgraded from 8.73 to 9.32, we got a bunch of those for about a week. Look at the size of the Self on a good Mac and then compare with one that's broken. We saw sizes range from 1/3 to 1/2 of the normal size, so it was obvious when it was borked. Deleting the app and re-enrolling fixed it every time.
We never really figured out what happened, but it magically went away after 7-10 days, and it was only on two of 15 DP's.

Legendary Contributor III

We ran into some similar issues when we did our upgrade from 8.x to 9.61 a few months back. It wasn't a huge number of Macs, but some of them got broken Self Service applications. We didn't always need to re-enroll the Macs to get it working though. In some cases, just deleting the Self Service application and giving it some time it would get repushed from the JSS and then everything was working again.
We also had some cases of Macs that just needed to be re-enrolled to get working again.
Like @boettchs mentioned, this only happened for the first couple of weeks and then went away. Not exactly sure why, but we just chalked it up to upgrade wrinkles being worked out.

New Contributor

just updated from 9.62 to 9.63 and having issues manually re-enrolling machines? Is that how you are re-enrolling those that had issues? How does Self Service get pushed from the JSS, I always thought the app was only pushed out when it was enrolled?

New Contributor II

I just tried deleting the self service app, and it didn't work. I would hate to have to re-enroll my users.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Did you re-install it manually afterwards? I don't think it would do it automatically.

If you've done that already I would ask JAMF Support for some help. They might be able to offer a better option than re-enrolling.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

If a re-enroll is needed you could try leveraging @rtrouton's CasperCheck to automate much of the process:

Possibly deploy this, followed by a sudo jamf removeFramework, which should kick off the process.

New Contributor

Never mind about Self Service, created a package and a policy, still can't manually install.

New Contributor II

@davidacland I ran sudo jamf recon & policy from terminal and it reinstalled it. I did not re-enroll on this machine yet. I know re-enroll works, but I want to find out how to fix it without doing that.

Legendary Contributor III

The Self gets redeployed when any check in policy runs on our Macs. I will need to check to see if that's happening because of some policy we set up long ago and forgot about, but I believe its automatic. I just tested this by deleting the app from a managed Mac. When I then ran just sudo jamf policy, I can clearly see in jamf.log a line stating "Upgrading Self" and the app gets pushed down again. I'm pretty certain that is a built in function when you have the "Install automatically" option checked under Computer Management > Self Service.