Self Service removal of a Configuration Profile

Contributor II

For reasons unknown to me our wireless profile at times just quits working. It helps to add the user to an exclusion, distribute, and then remove them from the exclusion. I would like to automate this instead. Here is my idea.

  1. Extension Attribute looks for a text file in /private/tmp/textfile.txt
  2. Smart Group that has that file is excluded from Wireless profile.
  3. Self Service policy does a
echo "blah blah blah" /private/tmp/textfile.txt && jamf recon

4. Profile never gets removed?


Honored Contributor

If you think about how you would manually do that, the step right after changing the scope is where the JSS asks you if you want to push to all devices or just the recent additions/removals. I don't know that you can automate that part of it. Or can you?

Contributor II

Yeah. That’s the part I’m stuck on. I can easily do it manually but I am trying to give this ability to a JAMF admin that does not have access to the profiles

Honored Contributor

How long do you wait after the smart group gets updated? Maybe if you wait long enough, it will eventually take action? I know that even under proper conditions, it can take a while to push or pull.

Honored Contributor

And I presume that the computer is plugged into Ethernet while you're trying to remove the WiFi?

Contributor II

Yes, it is plugged in and I have waited at least an hour (which is really hard as an impatient IT guy)

New Contributor III

Did you try to trigger this over terminal?
If I do an upgrade for an mcx, it takes at least a few seconds until it will delet automatically

Contributor II
Did you try to trigger this over terminal?

Trigger the removal of the profile? No, how do I do that?

New Contributor III

Is there a way to automate the removal of a config profile using Smart Groups?
It seems like the only way to remove the profile after the computers membership has changed is to open it in JAMF and distribute to new devices.

Contributor III

I'm not sure if this will work since I developed it for removing locally installed profiles, but it might work.

If nothing else it should point you in the right direction.

Profile Name to remove goes in Parameter 4.


## Get UUID of requested MDM Profile
MDMUUID=`profiles -Lv | grep "name: $4" -4 | awk -F": " '/attribute: profileIdentifier/{print $NF}'`

## Remove said profile, identified by UUID
if [[ $MDMUUID ]]; then
    profiles -R -p $MDMUUID
    echo "No Profile Found"

sleep 5

If you're looking for a user profile, this should work.


## Get logged in user
loggedInUser=`python -c 'from SystemConfiguration import SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser; import sys; username = (SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser(None, None, None) or [None])[0]; username = [username,""][username in [u"loginwindow", None, u""]]; sys.stdout.write(username + "

## Get UUID of requested MDM Profile
MDMUUID=$(profiles -Lv -U $loggedInUser | grep "name: $4" -4 | awk -F": " '/attribute: profileIdentifier/{print $NF}')


## Remove said profile, identified by UUID
if [[ $MDMUUID ]]; then
    profiles -R -U $loggedInUser -p $MDMUUID
    echo "No Profile Found"

sleep 5

New Contributor III

Thanks Merps!

I'm still stuck though.

This is the output I get when running the script...
profiles remove for identifier:'48C85CF7-FA9E-4188-9876-F2F44AC17EB2' and user:'root' returned 101 (Profile is not removable.)
profiles remove for identifier:'3F920BE6-BE94-4E67-8116-FCBCB9ED8729' and user:'root' returned 101 (Profile is not removable.)

The only way to remove these two config profiles is to login to JAMF, open up the config profile, edit, save, distribute to new devices.

The strange thing is I have another Computer Level profile that IS removed when the computer changes smart group.

profileName=( "Faculty/Staff Profile" "Base Restrictions" )

for (( i=0; i< ${#profileName[@]}; i++ ))

MDMUUID=`profiles -vP | grep "name: ${profileName[i]}" -4 | awk -F": " '/attribute: profileIdentifier/{print $NF}'`
profiles -R -p $MDMUUID

New Contributor II

Did you ever work out a way to get around this? I am having a similar issue at the moment where unscoping a computer from a Config profile will not remove it? I also get the same error if I try via Terminal

user:'root' returned 101 (Profile is not removable.)