sending imacs to recycling-wiping vs remove mdm profile

New Contributor III

I'm new to jamf.  We have a classroom with old imacs that are being replaced.  I need to get them out of jamf before they go to recycling.  Id also like to wipe them.  What is the proper process for doing this?  Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you


Valued Contributor II

OS Version? FileVault on? 

If they are on macOS 12 or greater a remote wipe via JAMF will perform an 'erase all content and settings' and restore an OS. 

Prior OS versions with remove the OS.

Doing this via JAMF provides an audit trial and moves the device from being managed to un-managed. 

And release from ABM if you have that.. 



New Contributor III

Version is 13.4 no firevault.  I ran "wipe" computer in jamf, but it did not restore an OS


Valued Contributor II

Pre T2 device. Devices that are this old cannot restore to OS and will wipe completely.


New Contributor III

thank you

Esteemed Contributor
  • You can boot in to macOS recovery, open disk utility and erase the macintosh HD (may be called something else). Then reinstall macOS.
  • If the Macs are still enrolled in JAMF and checking in, you can use the erase all contents and settings command if they have macOS 12+.
  • You can also use Erase all Contents and Settings from System Preferences/Settings if there is not an EFI password enabled on MacOS 12+.


Apple recommends enabling FileVault before wiping as this would ensure cryptographic data erasure. 

New Contributor III

We follow this process for preparing old iMacs for auction  :

  • Remove computer record from Jamf Instance
  • In Apple School Manager set MDM Server to unassigned
  • In Apple School Manager Release Device from Organization
  • On iMac Remove Firmware/EFI Password
  • On iMac Erase with 3 pass Secure Wipe
  • On iMac Reinstall maximum OS from Internet Recovery
  • Leave at macOS Setup Assistant
  • Sell to auction company

That's just how we do it anyway!