Posted on
01:51 AM
- last edited
Hi guys, anyone got a working SEP 14 Extension Attribute that works with the definitions, I am still using an older version for 12.
Posted on 05-25-2017 09:43 AM
Don't remember who I got this from but I use:
if [ -f "/Library/Application Support/Symantec/AntiVirus/engine.mfst" ] ; then
VERSION=/bin/cat /Library/Application Support/Symantec/AntiVirus/engine.mfst | /usr/bin/cut -c 2-16
elif [ -f "/Library/Application Support/Symantec/Silo/NFM/Definitions/virusdefs/definfo.dat" ] ; then
VERSION=/usr/bin/grep CurDefs /Library/Application Support/Symantec/Silo/NFM/Definitions/virusdefs/definfo.dat | /usr/bin/cut -c 9-20
VERSION="Not Installed"
if [ "$VERSION" = "Not Installed" ] ; then
echo "<result>$VERSION</result>"
YEAR=/bin/echo $VERSION | cut -c 1-4
MO=/bin/echo $VERSION | cut -c 5-6
DAY=/bin/echo $VERSION | cut -c 7-8
DATE=/bin/echo $YEAR-$MO-$DAY 00:00:00
echo "<result>$DATE</result>"
Posted on 06-16-2017 03:33 PM
it don't working
Which position to modify to work?
please, Thank You.
Posted on 08-16-2017 09:03 AM
Cleaned it up a little...
if [ -f "/Library/Application Support/Symantec/AntiVirus/engine.mfst" ] ;
then VERSION=/bin/cat /Library/Application Support/Symantec/AntiVirus/engine.mfst | /usr/bin/cut -c 2-16
elif [ -f "/Library/Application Support/Symantec/Silo/NFM/Definitions/virusdefs/definfo.dat" ] ;
then VERSION=`/usr/bin/grep CurDefs /Library/Application Support/Symantec/Silo/NFM/Definitions/virusdefs/definfo.dat | /usr/bin/cut -c 9-20`
else VERSION="Not Installed"
if [ "$VERSION" = "Not Installed" ] ;
then echo "<result>$VERSION</result>"
YEAR=`/bin/echo $VERSION | cut -c 1-4`
MO=`/bin/echo $VERSION | cut -c 5-6`
DAY=`/bin/echo $VERSION | cut -c 7-8`
DATE=`/bin/echo $YEAR-$MO-$DAY 00:00:00`
echo "<result>$DATE</result>"
Posted on 07-30-2020 10:31 AM
Does anyone have an extension attribute that works with SEP 14.2 RU2 MP1 and later for definition date? It seems Symantec made changes to the file structure and the current one no longer works.
Posted on 07-30-2020 02:16 PM
Hi @rickdsp I have changed the one above from @RobertHammen adding the location for RU2 MP1 so that it can be used for any SEP 14 version. Logic and sintax can surely be improved by anyone better than me at scripting... ...but it works.
DATA TYPE: Date (YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss)
if [ -f "/Library/Application Support/Symantec/AntiVirus/engine.mfst" ] ;
then VERSION=/bin/cat /Library/Application Support/Symantec/AntiVirus/engine.mfst | /usr/bin/cut -c 2-16
elif [ -f "/Library/Application Support/Symantec/Silo/NFM/Definitions/virusdefs/definfo.dat" ] ;
then VERSION=`/usr/bin/grep CurDefs /Library/Application Support/Symantec/Silo/NFM/Definitions/virusdefs/definfo.dat | /usr/bin/cut -c 9-20`
else VERSION=`/usr/bin/grep CurDefs /Library/Application Support/Symantec/Silo/MES/Definitions/virusdefs/definfo.dat | /usr/bin/cut -c 9-20`
if [ "$VERSION" = "Not Installed" ] ;
then echo "<result>$VERSION</result>"
YEAR=`/bin/echo $VERSION | cut -c 1-4`
MO=`/bin/echo $VERSION | cut -c 5-6`
DAY=`/bin/echo $VERSION | cut -c 7-8`
DATE=`/bin/echo $YEAR-$MO-$DAY 00:00:00`
echo "<result>$DATE</result>"
Posted on 01-20-2021 12:55 PM
Thanks @carlo.anselmi ! I just tested this and it's working for me with SEP Version 14.2.2 (14.2 RU2 MP1) build 5580 (14.2.5580.2100)....what a mouthful of a version number.