Set Blurred Login Wallpaper - Not Working

New Contributor III

Hey all,

Working on a script that will replace the default login screen with a company branded image. I followed instructions at this link:

It states to replace /Library/Caches/ with your own image to accomplish this. However this doesnt work on 11.4 for me :(

Anyone have any ideas?


Valued Contributor

We deploy a package which replaces the file you listed with our branding as well. However, it too does not appear with that blurred / frosted overlay, it's just the solid branded image.

Not sure how to fix this either, but just wanted to share that it happens to us as well. Not super critical or necessary for us though.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

The image is the last users desktop.

So if you set a company Desktop, & login then out of a Mac with that desktop set. The loginwindow will have the "frosted" looking background.

New Contributor III

So if i set my users desktops to our logo, then when machines are locked/booting they will display this image?

Valued Contributor III

I believe this only sets the first time someone logs into the system. So the first users login determines the background. (This includes any fake users for setup or the adobe user for install on reboot items from what I've seen).

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools