4 weeks ago
If I want to add a local admin profile pic, is the only way to do so by referencing an external site/vault to copy the image from? Or is there a way to store the file on Jamf?
4 weeks ago
It's been a very long while since I did this, but it can be done with terminal or at least could be done with terminal. Try the command below.
sudo dscl . create /Users/username Picture "/path/to/image.png"
3 weeks ago
Yeah, using this for a while too with success. I push the picture we want to the directory, and install package and script in 1 policy.
• dscl . create /Users/test Picture /Library/User\ Pictures/Fun/test.png
3 weeks ago
Thanks. I'
m trying to do this via a policy for all enrolled laptops.
3 weeks ago
@stevefitz Take a look at https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/117530/setting-account-picture-jpegphoto-with-dscl-in-term... for info on how to set a user image (and thanks to https://github.com/freegeek-pdx/mkuser for calling that out post)
3 weeks ago
you can also try this to Sync the user picture from Entra ID