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04:43 PM
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we are in a school with managed supervised shared devices and set our lockscreen to be the schools logo. however, if we also set the same picture as the homescreen background it makes it hard to read the icon names. to work around we have created a fairly clean coloured homescreen to still show the school colours and consistency (and to stop the kids 'customising')
is there a better way to set both the lockscreen AND homescreen as different pictures for a particular group of devices other than creating two separate smart groups and scheduling it to occur. once for lockscreen, and again for home screen?
it seems very counter intuitive, doubles the workload duplicating smart groups and makes consistency harder to achieve in a large organisation.
it would be easier to specify two background commands within the same smart group. if the workflow of that policy was changed to specify either:
both lockscreen and homescreen (1 file)
lockscreen as well as homescreen (2 files)
Posted on 09-11-2017 07:30 PM
I think it would be best to setup the automated management of wallpapers with to separate smart groups - one for home screen and one for lock screen. Also, have you ever thought about restricting kids from changing the wallpaper with a restriction profile? You can scope out that restriction, this does not impact your automated management command(s) to change the wallpaper from my understanding.
Posted on 09-11-2017 09:56 PM
yes we have set the appropriate restrictions set, just that with an increasing department list, each with their own backgrounds, it means the list of smart groups to scope this out twice grows rapidly
Posted on 09-12-2017 06:38 PM
@nocor We use Meraki for some of our devices and it gives us the ability to scope out a configuration profile with wallpaper settings. I am not sure if you can do this with Jamf Pro. I have it setup in Meraki like this and maybe if you have the ability to define it via a configuration profile you could set it up a similar scenario.
Enrolls with DEP > Inventory Update > Policy Set to Look for any other Apps except* (wild card match) > If there is any other apps besides Apple apps the user gets put into a Group where I have the wallpapers scoped with a lock screen image and home screen image in the same profile and I also have a restriction profile in that group that locks the user from changing the wallpaper.
I am hoping to get Jamf within the next few years, waiting for a trial. I will definitely take a look at this. Having two smart groups would defiantly provide some inconsistency.