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12:50 AM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
Hi i am using a shareconnect script by david ackland to mount smb shares, the script runs ok and i am testing with a smb test share, i am not using AD to authenticate just the users local login
the script runs i get the authentication window i put in the credentials and it looks like it should work but it does not mount the share on the desktop
if i manually do it using connect to server it works ok does anyone have any ideas
he has a youtube video and i have followed it as instructed
if [ -z "$username" ]; then # Checks if the variable is empty (user running script from Self Service)
echo "User: $username"
protocol="$4" # This is the protocol to connect with (afp | smb)
echo "Protocol: $4"
serverName="$5" # This is the address of the server, e.g.
echo "Server: $5"
shareName="$6" # This is the name of the share to mount
echo "Sharename: $6"
group="$7" # This is the name of the group the user needs to be a member of to mount the share
echo "Group: $7"
groupCheck=dseditgroup -o checkmember -m $username "$group" | grep -c "yes"
if [ "${groupCheck}" -ne 1 ]; then
exit 1
mount_script=`/usr/bin/osascript > /dev/null << EOT
tell application "Finder"
mount volume "$protocol://${serverName}/${shareName}"
end tell
exit 0