Sharp Multifunction Badge Printing

Contributor II

We have a project to get badge printing working here. I'm wondering if anyone on the list has completed this... Short synopsis is we are setting it up to print to a print cue, that when a user badges in at the printer nearest to him/her - the job appears on that printer

The process varies between where to place preferences in 10.7 and 10.8...

The process includes:
1. Install the printer driver
2. Install 'SharpJobHandling' where one uses composer to package: /~/Library/Containers/ and /~/Preferences/ One thing that is done is locking the 'user name' before creating the package which is set up FUT/FEU.
3. Install the Sharp preferences (different places depending on OS)
4. Install the printer
5. Run the script to change 'user name' to short name

Where I'm hitting the wall is that the user name isn't coming in locked, so it is not in the plist and doesn't get changed to the present users short name via the script...

Anybody out there deal with and resolve this one?


Contributor II

First, i don't think you really need to package ~/Library/Containers/; that's just a false positive by opening that file in TextEdit.

And you should not need any scripting to deploy /Users/yourusershortname/Library/Preferences/ Just pack it as DMG and set FUT+FEU to deploy it to every user home directory.

Contributor II

I actually got this one solved for 10.8 yesterday. Had a fat finger in the script. For 10.7 though, in a rebuild the printer was seen, the user name changed, and when the job sent, the printer driver crashed.. What a pain that we need to use a different printer driver from sharp depending upon OS...

For 10.7 you need ~/Library/Containers/, for 10.8 the file needs to go into ~/Library/Preferences...

I've been using Text Wrangler to view and edit the plists - what a great application!!!