Simplifying Adobe Creative Suite 5 Administration

New Contributor
New Contributor

Hey guys,

The link is up at :

It will be going out in the next JAMF Nation as well, but due to the need we thought we’d step up the pace on release.




Honored Contributor


Esteemed Contributor III

You guys at JAMF rock! :)


New Contributor

Hello all

Just went through these docs and packaged CS5,I know it doesn’t mention indexing the PKG file after packaging so how would I remove CS5 I if needed to?

One more question, when you package Acrobat Pro 9 with Composer are you in including the patches in the capture?

Contributor III

If you’re using the Adobe tool to create the PKG it should also create an uninstall PKG that also be directly used in the JSS.

You don’t need to index PKG files, Casper Admin automatically creates a Bill Of Materials (BOM) file for it so it can do resumable downloads over HTTP (I Believe). Since it’s technically a single file indexing does nothing nor can an index of it be used like a DMG does for uninstalling.

I include the updates into my Acrobat Pro and Reader packages.

Craig E

New Contributor

Great thanks, where would I find the uninstaller for it in Casper
Remote? Or do I have to use another process through some type of policy?

Also when new Acrobat patch comes out how do you send the new patch? Do
you send your full install with your previous package and then do a new
and mod snapshot. Install the patch and then just have a patch installer

Patrick Bachuwa

Client Technical Services

Sears Holdings Corporation

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Royal Oak, MI 48073-1717

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Esteemed Contributor III

The uninstaller from AAMEE 1.0 doesn't do a complete job, unfortunately. :(




there is also a CS5 cleaner app. That doesn't seem to get everything in application support either....

Not applicable


I have got my CS5 packages done, this is how I did it.

Firstly I installed our CS4 Master Collection packages.

I then installed the CS5 Master Collection and then used the diff files in Composer to make the package.

I then removed all the apps and license file folder from the package and made a packages called all_cs5_required. I also removed all the Adobe fonts from the package as we put those in Linotype Font Explorer.

I then made drag and drop packages of all the applications so I could install them one at a time and if an install failed it would not be a huge fail and I could start with the packages that were left.

I made a drag and drop package of the license folder and gave that an index number of 6. My CS4 license folder package is 5.

I pushed out the packages and it has worked fine.

Seems much easier than using Adobe's kludgy tool.

Best wishes
