SkyDrive Cloud Services

Valued Contributor III

Anyone have any experience managing this as part of Office 365?


New Contributor

Shortcut to URL in people dock only for us so far, there is an app in the mac store for skydrive but not skydrive pro.

New Contributor II

Microsoft has no plans for Sky Drive Pro as yet, we are still waiting so we can use Office 365 but Microsoft are way behind on office products for mac.

New Contributor II

Microsoft has no plans for Sky Drive Pro as yet, we are still waiting so we can use Office 365 but Microsoft are way behind on office products for mac.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Microsoft really need to clarify Skydrive.

You also have Skydrive available in SharePoint 2013... But again no app & it isn't the same as the Office365 or personal options.

Valued Contributor III

What a pain. The general trend in UK academic circles is to start outsourcing email and related services, some going for Google and others (like where I am) going for Office 365 and SkyDrive.

Looks like it's going to be great for Windows and lacklustre on OS X.

New Contributor

Pretty sure the next version of office for mac will have this included to some extent in a few months but until it actually arrives...

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

You can use the Microsoft Document Connection app that is a part of the Office 2011 suite to connect to a SkyDrive Pro account.

- Have a user log into their site (ours is just
- Once logged in, click on SkyDrive in the top menu
- Copy the URL of the personal SkyDrive space from the browser bar and paste it into a sticky note or TextEdit doc to use later
- Go to the Finder, open Applications, and look for Microsoft Document Connection in the Office 2011 folder
- Once the app is open, click on Add Location and select Connect to a SharePoint site
- Grab the Sharepoint URL (saved above) and paste it into the Address blank
- This should redirect to your organization's Office 365 login page, have them log in with their credentials (it will prompt twice)
- They'll then be connected to their Documents folder and be able to use SkyDrive "natively" on their Mac, rather than relying on a web interface

This is working pretty well for us, though not ideal or all that streamlined, of course.