Smart Group Operators... Limited?

Not applicable

I am on 8.0 atm, not sure if this has been addressed in the newer versions but I am finding the lack of operators like " less than" or "greater than" quite limiting in Smart Group Criteria.
"is", "is not" are useful but quite limited limited... I was wondering if you folks are feeling this in your environments.

For example, I have a smart group with a simple criteria:
"Operating System" "is not" "10.6.7" then I create a policy to assign 10.6.7 to those machines.

I use a similar technique for patching. Let's say I want everyone in Chrome 11.* to upgrade to 12.0.742.91 (made it up)
My smart group may be something like

"Application Title" "has" "Google Chrome"
And "Application Version" "is not" "12.0.742.91"

There are several issues with this approach. For example when a newer version comes up, I have to go back and Deactivate the previous policy. I have developed several workarounds but not so convenient...

