software update server, what I am doing wrong?

Honored Contributor

So, I have a SUS set up with static IP and FQDN, and it resolves and I made it part of the open directory. In WGM I assigned all groups to the SUS, by IP and when I run software update it shows it connecting to the IP of the server but says no updates found????

I think created a self service casper policy that runs software update by triggering it through the policy tab's built in commands still no dice....

What I am doing wrong? Anyone?

Thanks in advance



Valued Contributor

Things I'd check:
Can you manually hit your SUS from your clients via the softwareupdate

Is this total failure, or are some machines getting updates?

Are there pending firmware updates on the failing machines?

Unfortunately, since firmware updates typically require pressing a physical
button, they can't be automated.

Not applicable

Another thing to check would be that you have enabled the updates on the SUS
server. I have mine set to not enable by default so that I don't push a
major update before testing.

Not applicable

Would you happen to be running a Leopard SUS server and trying to upgrade Tiger clients? My first test Leopard SUS server for whatever reason didn't have updates for my Tiger clients. My most recent production Leopard SUS server is fine.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

I'd check the SUS URL to see if updates are actually there. This is the list the clients actually read.

This also will tell you what URL it's using for the actual paths to the files. If this isn't right, then the server either isn't approving and downloading updates, or it's not building the file correctly.
