Posted on
12:51 PM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
I have tried several times to create a sophos installer package for deploying with our JSS. It will install on the target, but the username and password for the primary and secondary update server will be blank. It is set correctly on the computer I am creating the package from
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong with Composer and how do I fix it?
Posted on 06-08-2017 05:06 PM
Do you use a createupdatepreconfig to create the installer?
Which Sophos do you use? Enterprise console? Cloud?
Posted on 06-12-2017 06:30 AM
Check this thread and see if any of the info helps.
Posted on 06-12-2017 09:14 AM
sophos has their own method for creating a custom pkg also, which you can use directly with casper.
I looked back, you generate the preconfig, drop it with the installer app somewhere convenient, and then attach a postrun script to do the command line install:
## postinstall
/Users/Path/To/Sophos9.5.3/Sophos --install
Posted on 06-12-2017 10:44 AM
We are using enterprise console and the installer from the AV server has the correct update server account info. That package when installed on a mac works correctly. The issue is that composer is not capturing that username and password for the package for me to push via policy.
Posted on 06-12-2017 12:20 PM
are you repackaging with composer, or dropping the files and running the installationDeployer --install via postrun script as detailed here: support link
A simple snapshot/repackaging does not work afaik.