Splash screen notification for user when updates are applied

Not applicable

Hello all,
Pretty new to the Casper Suite and am needing to push software updates to
the computers on our campus. I would like the users to know that something
is being downloaded and installed to prevent them from thinking the computer
is frozen and forcing a shut down. Has anyone incorporated something like
I have seen an old posting for the Adobe Installer but was unclear how to
incorporate that jamfhelper into this situation.

Thank you,
Debra Tsutomi
Educational Resource Designs, Inc (ERD)

Kamehameha Schools ITD - Teacher Resource Center
Honolulu, HI


Contributor III

Also, I’m not sure if jamf would want you to modify their work, but the older jamfHelper app looks like it would be easy enough to modify the text and what not if you have access to Xcode tools for development.

Craig E

Contributor III

You don’t want to use the new jamfHelper from version 7 for anything other than what it was intended for, which is FirstRun Adobe CS installs. It creates a user account, logs in as it, etc...

You could use portions of the technology they use in the new jamfHelper, which is the LockScreen app built into the OS, but this will totally lock out their screen until you kill it or reboot. But you can easily customize what it displays by modifying the Lock.jpg it uses. You can actually copy that app and place a new copy of it and the jpg you want it to use in a totally different location so you could package it and deploy it. I do this for my Adobe patching and I’m finally getting around to how I do that for CS4 which would explain how this works.

It would be possible to modify the previous version of the jamfHelper in 6.x that didn’t take over the whole screen somewhat, but I’m not sure how practical that is. The images it uses are easily replaced, but not sure about the text it has displayed.

If you want to cheat and just pop up a message to the end user create a script that runs Before the rest of the policy that calls the jamf binary:

jamf displayMessage –message <message>

That’s the only method that’s simple.

Otherwise you’re creating your own app or something along those lines. Maybe there is something else you could do, but...got me. =)

Craig E

New Contributor III

I run a script at the beginning of a package install to notify the end user and tells them to quit the app, which the script will kill the process. If also detects if the computer is sitting at the login screen, so it does not notify the user. I then run the 2nd script to let the user know it is done installing.


# Adobe Dialog kill prompt.sh
# #
# Created by Jesse Edberg on 12/7/11.

loginwindowuser=ps auxc | grep loginwindow | grep root|awk '{print $1}'
if [ "$loginwindowuser" == "root" ]; then

echo "At Login Window"
exit 0;


/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/jamfHelper.app/Contents/MacOS/jamfHelper -windowType utility -icon "$iconpath$icon" -alignHeading center -title "Adobe Acrobat Fix" -heading "Company Name is updating your Adobe Acrobat Pro." -description "Adobe Acrobat Pro will be shutdown. You have 5 minutes to SAVE your work and click the Quit Apps button below." -button1 "Quit Apps" -timeout 300 -countdown -alignCountdown right

filename="/Applications/Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro"

if [ "$0" != "0" ]; then

if ps ax | grep -v grep | grep $SERVICE > /dev/null; then
killall AdobeAcrobat else
echo "Acrobat is not running"

if [ -d "$filename" ]; then

echo "$filename exists in the Applications folder removing"

rm -R "$filename"


echo "$filename doesn't exist"

delay 3
exit 0

2nd Script


# Adobe Dialog kill prompt.sh
# #
# Created by Jesse Edberg on 12/7/11.

loginwindowuser=ps auxc | grep loginwindow | grep root|awk '{print $1}'
if [ "$loginwindowuser" == "root" ]; then

echo "At Login Window"
exit 0;


/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/jamfHelper.app/Contents/MacOS/jamfHelper -windowType utility -alignIcon center -icon "$iconpath$icon" -description "Your Adobe Acrobat updates are installed, please continue with the use of Adobe Acrobat Pro." -alignHeading center -title "Adobe Updates Have Completed" -heading "Thank you for your cooperation" -button1 "Close" -defaultButton 1 -timeout 60
exit 0


Nice I think I will try this.