Strange casper imaging behavior (erases drive after block copy)=No boot

Contributor II

Hey Everyone I am having a really strange issue with casper imaging in our European region. Every time my techs run the image workflow they end up with an unbootable mac with the Folder icon with the flashing ?
I took a look at the logs and discovered something strange. It looks like after performing the block copy casper imaging erases the drive.

Has anyone seen this behavior before? I am unable to replicate it here in the US.

Here is the log from the jss:

Initializing Imaging Process...
Mounting usnbka485p...
Mounting https://usnbka485p/CasperShareDAV/...
Preparing disk for block copy...
Performing Block Copy of osx-10.10.3-14D131.hfs.dmg...
Cleaning up after block copy...
Erasing Macintosh HD...

Installing osx-10.10.3-14D131.hfs.dmg...
Installing BigHonkingText.pkg...
Installing jamf_binary.pkg...
Creating /private/etc/jamf.conf...
Creating /usr/sbin/jamf...
Creating jamfHelper...
Ensuring Apple's Setup Assistant does not appear...
Creating First Run Enroll Script...
Creating First Run Post Install Script...
Adding line to Fix ByHost Files...
Adding line for installing Disable Apple iCloud and Diagnostic Pop-Ups.pkg...
Adding line for installing UL_AutoEnroll_1.7.pkg...
Adding line for installing ul_create_tempadmin-1.0.pkg...
Copying Disable Apple iCloud and Diagnostic Pop-Ups.pkg to FirstRun...
Copying UL_AutoEnroll_1.7.pkg to FirstRun...
Copying ul_create_tempadmin-1.0.pkg to FirstRun...
Ensuring system files are hidden...
Unmounting Distribution Point...
Blessing System...


Release Candidate Programs Tester

Sorry, I don't have an answer for you but wanted to chime in that I am having a similar issue when updating to 10.10.3 in Caper imaging. As the laptop reboots, I have a prohibitory sign. On the same configuration, if I replace my custom 10.10.3 installer with a 10.10.1, it works perfectly (installer created with CreateOSXInstall.pkg). Did you try 10.10.2. or 10.10.1?

Contributor II

the image is a never booted autoDMG that works perfectly at other sites.

Contributor II

If I recall correctly, block copies from a JDS are unsuccessful like you're seeing. Switch that site to a file share distribution point and try again.

Contributor III

What version of Casper Imaging are you using (sorry if I missed that)? I've had mixed results with some of the more recent versions. 9.72 seems reliable (have only used in test env. so far). Another consideration might be issue with diskless (lack thereof) NetBoot?

Valued Contributor

Same issue here, albeit with OS X 10.10.4 and Casper Suite 9.73

Valued Contributor

Did anyone find an answer to this? I'm seeing the same thing in a test environment I just spun up - it seems to start and stop a block copy right away, and then erase.