Switching from File Share Distribution Points to JDS

New Contributor

Has anyone done this yet? How easy is it? Any steps to follow? Any tips/tricks etc.

We've just upgraded from v.8 to v.9 and we're weighing up whether to go from FSDP to JDS and looking at how simple/difficult this would be to do.

thanks for any help.


Valued Contributor III

Are you looking to do this for all of your DPs or just your master? How many DPs do you have?

I weighed the pros and cons and have not converted, and would love to hear folks chime in with some compelling reasons to. It seemed like a major change (with associated risks) for not much benefit.

Valued Contributor II

if you're on 10.9.2 and therefore on Server.app 3.0.3 - JDS breaks.
Also, if you have older Adobe CS Packages (2, 3, 4, etc) and used the "This is an Adobe Installer" in Casper Admin, there's a bug with that.

Contributor II

@jwojda I have 3 JDS DPs running 10.9.2 and Server 3.0.3 and they are syncing and serving files without any problems. What issues are you seeing?

Valued Contributor

Ive seen issues with Adobe Apps as well.

New Contributor

The JDS is nice, but I have run into a few issues:

  • You can't image off of them yet. This is a known issue with the JDS. So, you'll need to keep at least one distribution point around anyway.
  • You need to have enough room on the JSS for the initial file transfer. Your software library will be transferred through the JSS to the JDS. You can do a manual sync and run a script (https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/article.html?id=351) but you'll need to do that every time.

Hope that is a help. For us, we have stuck with SMB shares. They are pretty reliable in performance and easy enough to administer from Casper Admin. Ideally, I am hope that, down the road, these issues are resolved. We'd like to be able to administer the JSS and Distribution Points from any machine, and not have to rely on Casper Admin for syncing and management.