System Image Utility in 10.11.2

Valued Contributor II

Ever since 10.11 the system image utility has been messed up. I don't understand the magical order to use it with automator.

This is what I'm doing. I'm doing a Restore Image. I have a Mac all built the way I want and then I target boot it. Then I open System Image Utility and start to build my image. I can go through all the steps in SIU but as soon as I click customize and use automator things get messed up. I will be opened to the workflow in automator and I can add anything I want but if I close automator and then go back to SIU and click customize all of my automator steps are gone.
Is there a special order or does it have to stay open.
Really the only thing I want to add is the partition disk step which is only found in Automator.

Any help would be great Apple really changed this and its not making any sense to me.

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Honored Contributor II

I'm not using SIU much any more but from past experience, I'm not too surprised.

Are you using Casper? If yes, you can use Casper Imaging instead that can do the partitioning.

If you're not, you should look at using Imagr or DeployStudio.

Persisting with SIU will likely be an ongoing source of pain for you.


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