The race is on! C'mon, JAMF, you can do it! :D

Esteemed Contributor III

Legendary Contributor III

Well, there is something happening on 4/22. Wonder what it will be...

Esteemed Contributor III

One can only hope...


Valued Contributor II

My guess, absolutely no inside information, is that we'll see an announcement of Casper Suite 10 (or will it be X?) with the two features they talked about at JNUC, integrated patch management and JDS 2.0, among the new features.

Again, just a guess.

Contributor II

Patch management for Macs has been part of LanDesk for some time... not that I would wish LanDesk on my worst enemy :)

Hoping that they announce something soon... seeing as this was the big "one more thing" announcement at the JNUC.

Legendary Contributor III

LANDesk and Mac patch management! Hah! That gave me a good laugh to hear those in the same sentence. :) I'm sure its better now than it was about 4 years ago when I used it, but man was that a bad suite (for the Mac anyway)

I do suspect we'll be hearing something about the Patch Management very soon. Its time...

Contributor II

@RobertHammen That'd be my guess too. Seems overdue, have been using Casper for going on two years now and I still haven't given up Munki because of this.

Valued Contributor II

Heh... I'm going to keep all but the following comments to my self.


There is a reason why we use the Casper suite over SAManage, LANDesk etc. We want the features, but only when it doesn't fundamentally break current functionality ;-)

Valued Contributor II

I'm hopeful that they don't ship before it's ready, which clearly was the case with at least JDS 1. And that's as far as I'm going to go down that path ;-)

Legendary Contributor III

I think we'd all agree we don't want a rushed solution, and that likely will not be the case. I don't know if anyone reasonable is expecting that come 4/22 the Casper Suite will have full patch management integrated. There's probably still a bit more work to be done. But getting a good update on where this feature stands and a solid roadmap of when to expect it would be very nice.

Valued Contributor II


Honored Contributor II

Yep, I'd rather wait. Looking forward to it though!

Contributor can now buy a JAMF hoodie online!

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

I wasn't expecting the features to be in place by now, but a few screenshots or example workflows shown at the Ice Out today would have been nice and reassuring…

Valued Contributor

@emilykausalik I was thinking the exact same thing. We got no new information today and that was disappointing. Bushel is neat and all but not what I care about.

Valued Contributor II

Big marketing show. Hey, you don't need to tell us how great/awesome JAMF is, we're already customers! All potatoes and very little beef today.

Valued Contributor

The heavy focus on marketing (seemingly at the expense of quality control) indicates to me that the new primary goal is pleasing the capital investors. There was really nothing of substance in the Ice Out presentation. The fact that I can now buy a hoodie really did not need the constant barrage of emails promoting the event. It's hard to get excited for an Android migration utility. . .

Esteemed Contributor III

Growing pains I guess. It was good to hear they are still working on the patch management feature. Fingers are crossed that we'll get some good news in October. :)


Valued Contributor
We want the features, but only when it doesn't fundamentally break current functionality ;-)

Hahaha! Like Casper 9.7, 9.71, 9.72??

Less $$ spent on marketing BS and events. More on QA/QC testers and devs.


Thats why we are still on Casper 9.63! Too scared to update for now.

Valued Contributor II

Haven't tested imaging yet, but so far 9.72 seems to be solid for policy and package deployments.

Legendary Contributor III

I have hope that 9.72 will be the next version we move to here. We're still on 9.63 as well, as we've been waiting for a solid release without any major issues. In addition to any fixes and additions, there is Java 8 support for the JSS which arrived officially in 9.71.

Valued Contributor II

I have to admit that I've been happily running 9.71 in production. Then again, it passed my testing as I don't use HTTP file sharing. Still testing 9.72 but we're looking good so far. I should be testing imaging and netboot tomorrow.

New Contributor

I'd love a patch management engine, but I'd need windows/linux too. So le sigh.

Valued Contributor

Problem is?

Esteemed Contributor III

I can die in peace now
